

Fastly's CDN platform allows users to distribute their content among the Fastly edge cloud service. You can easily configure your buckets on Storj as a source of content and integrate them with Fastly.


Before you can connect your buckets to Fastly, you will first need a Fastly account. Once that is set up, follow the instructions below to configure a Fastly service with your buckets as an origin host.

Setting Up Fastly as an Edge Server

To make your buckets available through the Fastly edge cloud network, you will configure Storj as your Fastly service's origin server.

To do that, you must first create a Fastly service using the following values as you go:

  • For the new Fastly domain and host, set the Domain Name field to the hostname you will be using for your URL. For example,

  • When you get to the Hosts section on the Origins page, enter the address of the Storj gateway endpoint (Storj-hosted S3 Compatible Gateway) you would like to use for this service. Include the name of your bucket, for example:

  • After adding the host, click the pencil icon to Edit this host and check that the following are correctly filled out:

    • Name: Any name you would like to use for your Fastly service

    • Address: This should be the address of your gateway endpoint

Additionally, if you have enabled TLS for your gateway and wish to configure that, check the following fields as well:

  • Enable TLS: The default for this is Yes

  • SNI hostname: Select Match the SNI hostname to the Certificate hostname. The gateway address you filled out and double-checked above should automatically appear.

  • Certificate hostname: This should be the same IP address or hostname of your gateway.

Note that if you are going to use AWS S3 integration, you may want to leave the Override host field blank when creating your service. Otherwise, it will override important authentication headers read by AWS (more on that below).

Verifying the service is configured

Fastly creates a DNS mapping from the domain you entered when creating your service to <domain> So following the above steps, this would be

Create an alias in your own DNS settings for the domain name you are using. For example, create a CNAME record mapping to

Fastly caches all content by default for 1 hour. This can be modified by sending a Cache-Control header. If you are unsure whether you are sending any cache control headers, you can verify with a simple cURL command:

$ curl -I

Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 250
Content-Type: application/xml
Vary: Origin
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2020 05:56:29 GMT
$ curl -I

Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 250
Content-Type: application/xml
Vary: Origin
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2020 05:56:29 GMT

Since there are no Cache-Control headers in this example, the default cache of 1 hour will be applied.

Advanced Cache Control

Fastly also has documentation on how different objects are cached. You can find more information in their cache freshness docs.

Using a bucket for origin hosting

To integrate your S3 compatible gateway as an origin with Fastly, first create S3 credentials. You will need the Access key and Secret key, as well as your bucket name and gateway endpoint.

Once you have the access grant you will use, enable your Fastly service to support the latest version of Amazon's header-based authentication by creating a custom VCL on Fastly.

Next create a Fastly VCL snippet. Select the following options for your snippet:

  • Type: select within subroutine

  • In the dropdown box, select miss. Then, paste the following code into the VCL box. Update the variables where noted to the values from your access grant, bucket name, and bucket gateway:

declare local var.accessKey STRING;
declare local var.secretKey STRING;
declare local var.storjBucket STRING;
declare local var.storjGateway STRING;
declare local var.region STRING;
declare local var.canonicalHeaders STRING;
declare local var.signedHeaders STRING;
declare local var.canonicalRequest STRING;
declare local var.canonicalQuery STRING;
declare local var.stringToSign STRING;
declare local var.dateStamp STRING;
declare local var.signature STRING;
declare local var.scope STRING;

set var.accessKey = "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY"; # Change this value to your own data
set var.secretKey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"; # Change this value to your own data
set var.storjBucket = "YOUR_BUCKET_NAME"; # Change this value to your own data
set var.storjGateway = "STORJ-DCS_GATEWAY"; # Change this value to your own data
set var.region = "decentralized";

if (req.method == "GET" && !req.backend.is_shield) {

set bereq.http.x-amz-content-sha256 = digest.hash_sha256("");
set bereq.http.x-amz-date = strftime({"%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ"}, now);
set = var.storjBucket "." var.storjGateway;
set bereq.url = querystring.remove(bereq.url);
set bereq.url = regsuball(urlencode(urldecode(bereq.url.path)), {"%2F"}, "/");
set var.dateStamp = strftime({"%Y%m%d"}, now);
set var.canonicalHeaders = ""
"host:" LF
"x-amz-content-sha256:" bereq.http.x-amz-content-sha256 LF
"x-amz-date:" bereq.http.x-amz-date LF
set var.canonicalQuery = "";
set var.signedHeaders = "host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date";
set var.canonicalRequest = ""
bereq.url.path LF
var.canonicalQuery LF
var.canonicalHeaders LF
var.signedHeaders LF

set var.scope = var.dateStamp "/" var.region "/s3/aws4_request";

set var.stringToSign = ""
bereq.http.x-amz-date LF
var.scope LF
regsub(digest.hash_sha256(var.canonicalRequest),"^0x", "")

set var.signature = digest.awsv4_hmac(

set bereq.http.Authorization = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 "
"Credential=" var.accessKey "/" var.scope ", "
"SignedHeaders=" var.signedHeaders ", "
"Signature=" + regsub(var.signature,"^0x", "")

unset bereq.http.Accept;
unset bereq.http.Accept-Language;
unset bereq.http.User-Agent;
unset bereq.http.Fastly-Client-IP;
declare local var.accessKey STRING;
declare local var.secretKey STRING;
declare local var.storjBucket STRING;
declare local var.storjGateway STRING;
declare local var.region STRING;
declare local var.canonicalHeaders STRING;
declare local var.signedHeaders STRING;
declare local var.canonicalRequest STRING;
declare local var.canonicalQuery STRING;
declare local var.stringToSign STRING;
declare local var.dateStamp STRING;
declare local var.signature STRING;
declare local var.scope STRING;

set var.accessKey = "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY"; # Change this value to your own data
set var.secretKey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"; # Change this value to your own data
set var.storjBucket = "YOUR_BUCKET_NAME"; # Change this value to your own data
set var.storjGateway = "STORJ-DCS_GATEWAY"; # Change this value to your own data
set var.region = "decentralized";

if (req.method == "GET" && !req.backend.is_shield) {

set bereq.http.x-amz-content-sha256 = digest.hash_sha256("");
set bereq.http.x-amz-date = strftime({"%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ"}, now);
set = var.storjBucket "." var.storjGateway;
set bereq.url = querystring.remove(bereq.url);
set bereq.url = regsuball(urlencode(urldecode(bereq.url.path)), {"%2F"}, "/");
set var.dateStamp = strftime({"%Y%m%d"}, now);
set var.canonicalHeaders = ""
"host:" LF
"x-amz-content-sha256:" bereq.http.x-amz-content-sha256 LF
"x-amz-date:" bereq.http.x-amz-date LF
set var.canonicalQuery = "";
set var.signedHeaders = "host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date";
set var.canonicalRequest = ""
bereq.url.path LF
var.canonicalQuery LF
var.canonicalHeaders LF
var.signedHeaders LF

set var.scope = var.dateStamp "/" var.region "/s3/aws4_request";

set var.stringToSign = ""
bereq.http.x-amz-date LF
var.scope LF
regsub(digest.hash_sha256(var.canonicalRequest),"^0x", "")

set var.signature = digest.awsv4_hmac(

set bereq.http.Authorization = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 "
"Credential=" var.accessKey "/" var.scope ", "
"SignedHeaders=" var.signedHeaders ", "
"Signature=" + regsub(var.signature,"^0x", "")

unset bereq.http.Accept;
unset bereq.http.Accept-Language;
unset bereq.http.User-Agent;
unset bereq.http.Fastly-Client-IP;

Note that, as mentioned above, if you have an override host specified in your Fastly service settings, that value will cause the header to be overwritten which could be invalid for AWS authentication.

See also Storj Object Storage on Fastly.
