Single and multi-node Port forwarding setup

When the outside world is trying to reach a specific node, it basically has to go through a few steps. We are going to include the Docker setup steps in case you want to use it on the other system or in case someone else with a docker setup has the same question.

Single node setup

outside world => 28967 => router => 28967 => node machine [ => 28967 => docker container]

For single node, you will use the same port number throughout, so you can just use port 28967 everywhere. This makes the settings easier. However, there are several places where you can adjust ports and forward ports to other ports. That will become relevant in multi-node setups.

Multi-machine multi-node setup

In a multi-machine setup for example, it could look like this.

  • node1: outside world => 28967 => router => 28967 => node machine1 [ => 28967 => docker container]
  • node2: outside world => 28968 => router => 28967 => node machine2 [ => 28967 => docker container]

In this setup, your router translates external port 28968 to internal port 28967 on machine2. This means machine 2 is still listening on the default 28967 port, but if the outside world wants to reach it, it has to talk to external port 28968.

Single-machine multi-node setup

Only use this setup if you want to share multiple HDD’s on a single machine. There is no advantage to be gained from running multiple nodes on the same HDD or array. This would not result in your nodes getting more data than if you were running only one single node on your hard drive.

In a single-machine setup with multiple nodes, it could look like this.

  • node1: outside world => 28967 => router => 28967 => node machine1 [ => 28967 => docker container]
  • node2: outside world => 28968 => router => 28968 => node machine1 [ => 28967 => docker container]

In this setup your router forwards both ports to the same machine without changing them. That machine then has to deal with port 28968 for node2. There are two options.

  1. On setups without Docker, make the node2 listen to port 28968 by changing the config.yaml
  2. On Docker node setups, change the port forward parameter in the docker run command for node2 to -p 28968:28967. Please note that these port numbers are different, because traffic on the machine is received on external port 28968 but translated to internal port 28967 inside the container. Because of this translation, no change in the config.yaml is necessary for these setups.

For the second node in multi-node setups, this translates to the following settings in config.yaml:

# public address to listen on
server.address: :28967
# public address to listen on
server.address: :28967

This setting refers to the port the node is listening on.

Without Docker: outside world => 28968 => router => 28967 => node machine

With Docker: outside world => 28968 => router => 28967 => node machine => 28967 => docker container

# the public address of the node, useful for nodes behind NAT
# the public address of the node, useful for nodes behind NAT

This setting refers to where the outside world can contact the node. outside world => 28968 => router => 28967 => node machine [ => 28967 => docker container]

Note: For Docker setups, this value is set through the -e ADDRESS="" parameter in the docker run command.

Common mistakes

Forwarding twice

Have the router forward 28968 to 28967, but also do the same in your docker run command with -p 28968:28967

outside world => 28968 => router => 28967 / 28968 => node machine => 28967 => Docker container

The ports that the node machine receives traffic on and Docker expects traffic on no longer match, so it doesn’t go through.

Changing the port your node listens to while also translating ports

# public address to listen on
server.address: :28968
# public address to listen on
server.address: :28968

With -p 28968:28967 in the docker run command.

outside world => 28968 => router => 28968 => node machine => 28967 / 28968 => Docker container.

The Docker container gets traffic on 28967, but the node listens on 28968.

Using the same port on the same machine for multiple nodes

Different nodes always need to use different ports. Traffic can’t go through one port and then be split up again. This is why when you use a single machine, you can’t have your router forward both port 28967 and 28968 to 28967 on the same machine, but you can use the same port on multiple machine setups. The same goes for containers with docker setups. Multiple nodes can all listen to port 28967 as long as they are in multiple containers.

In general

Mistakes usually consist of anything that breaks this chain. It’s important that in every step, the port that traffic is being sent to is also the port the next element in the chain is listening to. This can be complicated even more if people run multiple NAT setups and when firewalls get in the way. But that’s out of scope for this post.

This article was adapted from the original forum post by author René Smeekes (@BrightSilence)

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