Can we use an exchange as a wallet for STORJ tokens?
It is very important to note that an exchange address is not a valid address unless it is of the type that enables you to hold the private key yourself (decentralized exchange). See article How do I hold STORJ? What is a valid address or compatible wallet?
If you specify an exchange address where you do not hold the private keys as your payout address, and also opt-in for ZkSync Payments, it will be impossible to withdraw tokens from L2 (zkSync) to L1 (Ethereum) if this exchange does not yet provide support for zkSync.
In most cases, you do not control the private keys from the deposit address of the centralized exchanges, so all the funds in such an account are under the exclusive control of the exchange. This means that they can decide whether they will allow you to access any tokens you deposit there or not.
Since the deposit address is disposable, the exchange could also change it at any time without further notice, thus funds sent to an old deposit address after such a change could be lost.
Most of the exchanges use a separate deposit addresses for every token and if you send STORJ to the Ethereum deposit address for example, they could be lost. Exchanges post warnings about this on their deposit addresses so you may have no recourse if you ignore the warning and deposit STORJ to the wrong exchange deposit address anyway.
We will not be able to assist to recover STORJ tokens if you have any problems with an exchange; in order to recover tokens, you will have to file a support ticket directly with the help desk of the exchange in question.