access restrict

This command allows you to create a restricted Access Grant and print it to stdout, export it to a file or import it as an access to the local store of Uplink.


./uplink.exe access restrict [flags]
./uplink.exe access restrict [flags]


--access stringAccess name or value to restrict
--import-as stringImport the access as this name
--export-to stringExport the access to this file path
-f, --forceForce overwrite an existing saved access
--useSwitch the default access to the newly created one
--prefix SharePrefixKey prefix access will be restricted to this prefix.You can optionally specify this flag several times to add several different prefixes to the access grant.
--readonlyImplies --disallow-writes and --disallow-deletes (default true)
--writeonlyImplies --disallow-reads and --disallow-lists
--disallow-deletesDisallow deletes with the access
--disallow-listsDisallow lists with the access
--disallow-readsDisallow reads with the access
--disallow-writesDisallow writes with the access
--not-before relative_dateDisallow access before this time (e.g. '+2h', 'now', '2020-01-02T15:04:05Z0700')
--not-after relative_dateDisallow access after this time (e.g. '+2h', 'now', '2020-01-02T15:04:05Z0700')
--max-object-ttl periodThe object is automatically deleted after this period. (e.g. '1h30m', '24h', '720h')

Global flags

Global flagsDescription
--config-dir stringDirectory that stores the configuration
--help, -hprints help for the command
--advancedwhen used with -h, prints advanced flags help


Create a restricted Access Grant

As result, it will print the created access grant to stdout. Since we did not specify any restrictions, only the defaults will be applied. This command will print an Access Grant with read only access:

./uplink.exe access restrict
./uplink.exe access restrict

Create a restricted Access Grant and export it to the file

This will export the restricted access grant to a file named "access.txt":

./uplink.exe access restrict --not-after +1h --export-to access.txt
./uplink.exe access restrict --not-after +1h --export-to access.txt
Exported access to: /home/user/access.txt
Exported access to: /home/user/access.txt

This will import the write only restricted access grant to Uplink as a named access:

./uplink.exe access restrict --access us1 --writeonly --import-as us1-wo
./uplink.exe access restrict --access us1 --writeonly --import-as us1-wo
Imported access "us1-wo" to "/home/user/.config/storj/uplink/access.json"
Imported access "us1-wo" to "/home/user/.config/storj/uplink/access.json"

Create a restricted Access Grant and replace the existing access

This will import the restricted access grant to Uplink as a named access and replace it if one existed already:

./uplink.exe access restrict --import-as us1-ro --force
./uplink.exe access restrict --import-as us1-ro --force
Imported access "us1-ro" to "/home/user/.config/storj/uplink/access.json"
Imported access "us1-ro" to "/home/user/.config/storj/uplink/access.json"

Create a restricted Access Grant for several prefixes

This will create the restricted access grant for several prefixes:

./uplink.exe access restrict --prefix sj://cakes/New-York --prefix sj://pies
./uplink.exe access restrict --prefix sj://cakes/New-York --prefix sj://pies
access remove