Uplink CLI API


An application that allows you to access Object Storage from the command line. Use this tool to upload and manage objects and buckets.

To setup uplink see Uplink CLI Tutorial.

The uplink command can take the following child commands:

accessset of commands to manage access grants
importimport a serialized access grant into the configuration
cpcopy a file from outside of Storj bucket to inside or vice versa
lslist objects and prefixes or all buckets
mbmake a new bucket
metametadata related commands
mvmoves a Storj object to another location in Storj
rbremove a bucket
rmremove a file from a Storj bucket
setupcreate an uplink config file
shareshares restricted access to objects


--advancedif used in with -h, print advanced flags help
--config-dir stringmain directory for uplink configuration
Storj IPFS Pinning Service (Beta)